Lesley Rees. Paediatric Nephrology
Īss, visaptverošs ceļvedis bērnu nefroloģijā, sākot ar slimības anamnēzi un urīna analīzēm, beidzot ar elektrolītu kontroli, akūtu nieru traumām un transplantāciju.
The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Paediatric Nephrology helps the reader understand and manage all conditions affecting the kidney in childhood. This concise yet comprehensive guide covers everything from history taking and urinalysis, to electrolyte management, acute kidney injury and transplantation. It is a complete reference for the day to day, bedside, and out-patient management of all conditions dealt with by general paediatricians and specialist paediatric nephrologists.
Susan B.O’Sullivan. Physical Rehabilitation
Grāmatā ietverti vairāk kā 60 pacientu piemēri fizikālajā rehabilitācijā, ieskaitot sākotnējo pārbaudi, fizikālās terapijas procedūras un ārstēšanās rezultātus, kurus parasti novēro rehabilitācijas apstākļos. Features more than 60 narrated, full-color video clips of patients in treatment, including the initial examination, interventions, and outcomes for a variety of the conditions commonly seen in rehabilitation settings. Incorporates current research in basic and clinical sciences with physical therapy assessments and treatment procedures. KATALOGĀ
Ch Rubab. Thyropedia
Grāmatā ir dots pārskats par vairogdziedzera darbības traucējumiem, ar krāsainiem attēliem, ultrasonogrāfijas un scintigrāfijas piemēriem. The book contains four parts – Part 1- Thyroid Disorder an overview Part 2- Thyroid Disorders and other Disorders Part-3 Imagining and Scans Part 4- Clinical Approach and Case Studies KATALOGĀ
Kern Singh. Spine Essentials Handbook Īss, kompakts ceļvedis mugurkaula ķirurģijā, ietverot mugurkaula anatomiju, klīniskos novērtējumus, rentgenoloģiskos attēlus, mugurkaula diagnostikas testus, ķirurģiskās pieejas. This handbook is a concise, compact guide on key principles of spine surgical knowledge — from the atlanto-occipital joint to the coccyx. Core fundamentals cover spine anatomy, clinical evaluations, spine imaging, diagnostic spine tests, and select spine procedures. Common surgical approaches are delineated in succinct bulleted text, accompanied by case studies and radiographic pathology.
Patrick Mcnamara. The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams Grāmata vienkāršā valodā sniedz ieskatu miega un sapņu neirozinātnē, padziļinātāk apskatot nozīmīgākos sasniegumus miega medicīnā, sapņu satura analīzē un miegu mūža garumā. This book provides a complete introduction to the neuroscience of sleep and dreams in plain language. In it, Patrick McNamara outlines new discoveries in the science of sleep and dreams, places them within an evolutionary context, and brings them together with existing scientific findings and implications for sleep medicine. Unlike other introductory texts, the important evolutionary background and social nature of sleep and dreams is emphasized. Major advances in sleep medicine, sleep and memory, dream content analyzes, brain correlates of sleep stages and lifespan development of sleep are covered in depth.
Laura Willis. Professional Guide to Pathophysiology Profesionāla rokasgrāmata patoloģiskajā fizioloģijā, kas izskaidro vairāk kā 400 traucējumus visās ķermeņa sistēmās – no cēloņiem, simptomiem un diagnozēm līdz ārstēšanai un īpašiem apsvērumiem. The newly updated Professional Guide to Pathophysiology, 4th Edition, is the go-to comprehensive guide that explains more than 400 disorders across all body systems — from causes, symptoms and diagnosis to treatment and special considerations.
Potturu Rangannayakulu. Japanese Yumeiho Therapy Grāmatā aprakstīta Jumeiho terapija, kā metode ietekmē mugurkaula problēmas un muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas slimības, un atjauno fizisko simetriju cilvēka ķermenī, lai ierobežotu un izārstētu slimības. Yumeiho Therapy is a synthesis of Shaolin healing techniques from China, Japanese traditional physical therapies and Yoga. Dr Saionji of Japan has founded this therapy in 80s and it is fast spreading across the world. Yumeiho is very useful in spine problems and diseases of musculo-skeletal system as well as systemic diseases. Yumeiho reestablishes physical symmetry in the human body to contain and cure diseases